Monday, October 8, 2007

Deadline #6 HW #8

Deadline Reflection #6 HW #8
Oooh another week, well 2 be honest chapter 16 was a bit dry.

Deadline #6 HW #5

What counts as evidence?

The type of evidence I'm going to use in my WP#3 is first hand evidence "observation". I also plan to use interviews, personal experience, second hand evidence such as"online sources". I believe I can use first hand experience since I work inside a correctional facility and my paper is about execution in America. I'm able to not only observer how inmate act on a normal circumstance, but I see how they enter act in numerous settings. I would like to interview an inmate who is currently siting on death row. However where I work we don't house, nor handle executions.

Deadline #6 HW #1

Reading Reflection
Deadline #6 HW #1
What I gather from chapter 4, was how to back up your argument. You can back up your argument by using facts, based on evidence, statistic, surveys, or personal experiences. Your audience will be persuadable if your source is well known, or is an expert in their field. Another point to avoid when writing your paper. When your making a point, don't give numerous examples of your point. I know, I'm guilty of doing this in my ruff draft.
Chapter #16 outlines all the different types of evidence, you can use. Just because you have a lot of evidence, doesn't matter if you don't use it right. It's how you use that evidence to answer your audience's questions and give them the right information.
Chapter 19 Evaluating & using sources
When writing your paper, you will find a lot of information concerning your topic. Not all sources are reliable. This chapter shows you how to check authors, publishers, and the accuracy of the article. Checking your source is a must if you want a Great paper. You wouldn't want to give your audience bad information. This chapter also show, how to properly paraphrase, summaries, and document a sources.